Carrie Balkcom

Carrie Balkcom Is the Executive Director of the American Grassfed Association. AGA is the National, multispecies entity organized to protect and promote Grassfed and pasture-based farmers and ranchers.
AGA has standards for ruminants, dairy, pork and poultry.
AGA is the leader in pasture-based production and the oldest grassfed certification in the United States. AGA certifies ruminants, pork and dairy. AGA is the only USA only grassfed certification.
Carrie grew up on a Florida cattle ranch and has stayed connected to the agriculture and livestock industry. She has spoken, presented or coordinated for the past 25 years numerous regional and national conferences; and is well known in agricultural, culinary and sustainable agricultural circles.
AGA has been advocating for a change to the policy of allowing offshore beef to be labeled product of the USA, and through the hard work of allot of folks including AGA, this egregious mislabeling has been changed by the USDA. The rules go into effect at the end of 2025. AGA also works on federal food policy that affects pasture based American Family Farmers.
Roundtable Facilitator
Challenges and Solutions to Navigating Animal Health