November 6-8, 2024
National Western Center
Denver, CO
Each year, Quivira Coalition, Holistic Management International, and the American Grassfed Association collaborate to convene ranchers, farmers, conservationists, land managers, scientists, and thought leaders to share knowledge, build community, and create a culture of resilience and regeneration.
Ways to Attend
If you can’t attend in-person, consider attending virtually! We will be live-streaming all the plenary sessions. Spanish translation will be available for both.
We offer great rates for organizational members! HMI Certified Educators, Quivira members, and AGA members will receive 15% off early bird or regular registration. Organizations will send an email with the discount code.
We also offer discounted rates for beginning agrarians, land stewards, and students. Complete the Beginning Agrarian, Land Steward, and Student Inquiry Form to receive the discounted rate.
In addition, we will once again offer a number of scholarship opportunities through the HERD Fellowship Program. If you know of someone who is a good candidate for this fellowship, we encourage you to visit the HERD Fellowship page to recommend them.
Nov 6 is a day of special events, most of which are free. These are open to the public, and you can register for them without registering for the entire conference
Early Bird extended to August 31
Acres U.S.A., host of our conference bookstore, is North America’s oldest publisher on production-scale organic and sustainable farming. They will offer a wide variety of books and other items, including books by current and past conference speakers, popular Quivira and HMI publications, and the best of what’s available on themes related to this year’s conference.
We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals, including individuals with disabilities, to engage fully. We’ll do our best to meet all accommodations, though we may not be able to accommodate every request. Additionally, if the cost is prohibitive to your attendance, and you do not qualify for the above discounts and scholarships, please reach out to us at
Childcare is available at the conference venue by a licensed service. See registration for more details.
About the Venue
The National Western Center is a new development created by the City and County of Denver, Colorado State University System, the Western Stock Show Association, the Denver Museum of Nature & Science and History Colorado. We are excited to return for a second time to host REGENERATE 2024 at their Stockyards Event Center, located just ten minutes from downtown Denver. With an outdoor plaza, ample parking, and views of the Rocky Mountains and the Denver skyline we look forward to gathering with you in this beautiful space. We intend on utilzing more of the surrounding CSU campus this year, using classrooms and even the stockyards.
Conference sponsorship is the fundamental soil that allows us to make REGENERATE happen. We offer attractive benefits for sponsors at a variety of levels.
Become a conference sponsor
We are excited to have you join us as an exhibitor! We have multiple tabling options for our 2024 exhibitors — something to fit everyone’s needs!
Become a conference exhibitor
If you have additional questions, need help registering, or have special requests related to the conference, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Quivira Coalition fosters resilience on arid working lands. To create a culture of land stewardship that integrates ecological, economic, and social health, we work in coalition with ranchers and farmers, landowners and managers, public agencies, conservationists, students and educators, and the general public. Quivira believes this culture is rooted in three areas of practice: education, innovation, and collaboration
The American Grassfed Association is a national multi-species organization dedicated to protecting and promoting grassfed producers and grassfed products through national communication, education, research and marketing efforts.
Holistic Management International is an environmental and educational non-profit that helps communities grow and thrive by educating family farmers and ranchers and pastoralists in regenerative agricultural practices that empower them to strengthen their businesses, produce healthier food, improve local wildlife habitats and protect the environment.