Naya Anllo-Valdo
Naya Anllo-Valdo

Amy Beinecke is partner at XKBar Ranch, under the invaluable direction of Tony Prendergast. She’s been actively engaged with learning and applying a variety of skills including irrigation, moving cattle, setting up and taking down electric fencing, keeping the freezer room tidy, preparing for farmers markets, as well as interacting with customers at the markets. Regenerative ranching has become a sincere passion and pursuit for her, as well as an extension to her connection with nature, her conscious and healthy lifestyle, and most importantly to the dire global need to expand the regenerative arena through practice and education so that future generations might thrive and carry on the regenerative way.
Donovan Glasgow is the Ag Site Coordinator at the Gutiérrez Hubbell Open Space in Albuquerque, New Mexico. In addition to farming, he has a professional background in the emergency food system, food security research, school meals policy, and student activism. He spends his free time cooking, biking, and doing political organizing in his community.
Monique Queen is a Black queer/quare Earth worker with roots on the east coast (Maryland and Georgia). They have been working as a farmer and community farm educator for 5 years in Portland, OR and most recently, Albuquerque, NM. She currently works as a Resource Soecialist with Bernalillo County in ABQ. Monique is passionate about historical and present collective liberation practices, land stewardship, and food sovereignty work.
Katheryn Loewen is the Assistant Farm Manager at The Dogs Run Farm in Clearwater, Manitoba, Canada. She started farming in 2023 through the Young Agrarians Apprenticeship program and loves to get her hands dirty, whether working with animals, in the garden, or with a wrench in her hand. Katheryn is interested in exploring what it means to build ecological resilience and be in good relationship with the land, especially as that relates to food production and animal husbandry.
Lichen Iris Holden (they/them) is an artist, hobby herbalist and lifelong plant enthusiast living and working in Mancos, Colorado. They are currently a Farmer in Training at the Old Fort at Hesperus, an AmeriCorps member and a farmer at Humble Roots in Mancos. They are passionate about food security, climate resilience, worker’s rights and off-grid building. They believe that the liberation of all living organisms is interconnected. Lichen is interested in securing further employment as a farmer and hopes to start their own floral business in the near future.