Chad Reznicek

Chad Reznicek is the Lead Behavioral Health Specialist with the Colorado AgrAbility Project and committed to helping expand and improve behavioral health support and resources in rural communities. Prior to joining the AgrAbility Team, Chad spent 20 years as a licensed therapist, providing behavioral health services in diverse settings with special focus areas in suicide prevention, trauma, mood disorders, adolescent issues, and substance abuse. Chad grew up in a small town in central Nebraska with a deep respect for agriculture as the heart of our rural communities.
Roundtable Facilitator
Stronger Together, Supporting Emotional Wellness in Regenerative Agriculture
The agricultural profession is among the most stressful careers in the US. With constant pressure, often from factors outside of their control, America’s agricultural community is suffering from skyrocketing rates of suicide, substance abuse, and other behavioral health struggles. Join us in a round table discussion on the stressors facing today’s farmers and ranchers, as well as a collaborative conversation around strategies on stress management and how to best build grassroots networks of support for this important population.