Coley Burgess

I was raised on 2,000 acres of conventionally tilled cotton, peanuts, and soybeans. There would also be a winter crop of wheat or TRT which would be winter grazed then harvested or baled. My degrees from NMSU include a BS in Mathematics, BS in Engineering Physics, and a Masters ABT in Electrical Engineering. In 2008 I began a career at Mosaic Potash Company in Carlsbad NM as an Electrical Engineer and Project Manager. In 2011, we bought an established conventionally managed pecan orchard and in 2013 began a journey of a regenerative, intensively managed, rotationally grazed, holistic lifestyle of farming. We currently run about 20 head of cattle in our 15 acre orchard and are attempting to add sheep to the herd for additional multi-species grazing.
Plenary Panel
Coley Burgess will share experiences conducting sheep silvopasture in New Mexico, and why silvopasture is a good tool to add to your toolkit.