Kathryn Bedell

Kathryn is a cattle rancher and agricultural consultant and grant writer. She owns Roan Creek Ranch and raises British Park White cattle in Colorado on owned and private leased lands. She also assists other agricultural businesses across the west with consulting services and grant writing. She is a current recipient of an Local Food Purchase Assistance grant which works to get local beef into regional food banks and pantries. She served on the Colorado Governor’s transition team and played a role in the selection of the Commissioner of Agriculture, the Director of the Energy Office and the Director of Natural Resources. She is currently a member of the Colorado Agricultural Commission, appointed by the Governor, which advises the State Agriculture Commissioner. Kathryn is actively involved in agricultural policy development. She was a past appointee to the Garfield County Energy Advisory Board and recently joined the board of the American Grassfed Association.
Kathryn started a grass-fed beef business and direct marketed up to 200 head per year through Farmers Markets, Restaurants, and ultimately her own retail store. She managed a 2000-acre ranch, including both private and public lands. In order to direct market beef, she developed a private label, a marketing program, and was solely responsible for starting and operating a local food store in Fruita, Colorado.
Kathryn holds a BA in Biology, an MA in Animal Behavior and a DVM.
Roundtable Facilitator