Katie Miller

Katie Miller, a wife, mother, and proud entrepreneurial farmer and rancher, owns and operates Heritage Belle Farms and the SOCO Virtual Farmers Market. An alumna of Colorado College, where she majored in a self-designed sustainable agriculture study, Katie’s career has always been driven by her desire to be an eco-conscious cowgirl and her love for real food: growing, raising, cooking, and eating it. She teaches others to do the same, as she believes this is the most important thing anyone can do to make a positive impact on the world. Perpetually juggling farm life and home life, Katie also finds time to maintain her Holistic Management Educator Accreditation with Holistic Management International (HMI) by consulting for and working with like-minded farmers and ranchers. She also finds time to work as an Independent on-farm inspector for American Grassfed Association, volunteer as a board supervisor for the El Paso County Conservation District (EPCCD), volunteer as a Colorado Agricultural Council member for the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), and participate in several area livestock breed associations. In the rare event of spare time, Katie enjoys horseback riding, photography, cooking, reading, and working on fiber arts projects, particularly ones for which she can use the wool from her sheep: Navajo weaving, felting, knitting, and sewing.
Webinar Week
Rocky Mountain Food Collaborative: Developing a Marketplace Owned by Producers to Incentivize Economic, Social & Environmental Change