Victoria Atencio

Victoria is from the Pueblos of Santo Domingo (Kewa) and San Juan(Ohkay Owingeh), both located in New Mexico. Victoria is an Ecological Restoration and Education Consultant with a well-rounded knowledge working with and for the diverse Tribal communities across New Mexico on environmental and natural resource issues that are faced on their respected tribal reservations and ancestral homelands. She brings a passion that is dedicated to the preservation, conservation, restoration and revitalization of Traditionally Ecological Knowledge (TEK) in modern times. She is currently attending the University of New Mexico, studying her PhD in Geography and Geographic Information Sciences. Victoria has a Masters in Natural Resource Management with a specialization in Ecological Restoration from Colorado State University and a Bachelors in Wildlife Science, Biology and Rangeland Science from New Mexico State University. Victoria currently serves as the Director of Environmental and Natural Resources at the Pueblo of Nambe (Nanbe Owingeh).
Workshop Speaker
Trees, Gardens and People: Embedding Agroforestry in the Web of Life
In this workshop, we’ll hear from team members of the Southwestern Tribal Agroforestry Outreach Project and what they’ve been learning about Indigenous-led agroforestry efforts in the Southwest – including the importance of collaboration, relationships, and storytelling, and how traditional ecological knowledge shapes agroforestry in this region. We’ll share videos and other educational materials highlighting agroforestry initiatives from Flowering Tree Permaculture Institute, Tewa Women United’s Healing Foods Oasis, and Santa Ana Pueblo’s Native Plant Nursery. And finally we’ll end in a discussion with participants to learn about your experiences, challenges and dreams for Southwestern agroforestry and silvopasture. This workshop is for anyone with interest or experience in agroforestry, Indigenous agriculture, traditional ecological knowledge and collaboration. Participants will walk away with knowledge about current Indigenous and non-Indigenous agroforestry efforts in the Southwest, how definitions of agroforestry do and don’t fit Southwestern Indigenous contexts, collaborations between Tribal and non-Tribal entities, and traditional ecological knowledge. We hope you walk away feeling inspired to connect with the land and foster healthy ecosystems and communities that include agroforestry practices!