Bridger Rardin

John Liu
Bridger Rardin grew up on his family’s small sheep ranch West of Laramie, WY, where a large part of the operation was based on leased land. His connection to working landscapes was developed throughout his childhood, and he attended the University of Wyoming where he received his degree in Rangeland Ecology and Watershed Management. He currently owns and operates a small grass-finished beef business with his dad on leased land. They work with over thirty landowners on small tracts of leased land, and have taken a very unconventional approach to acquire land access for their business, working with home owners associations and in semi-urban areas on the outskirts of Laramie. He was able to step away from his family business this year and is furthering his education and refining his skill set as a first-year apprentice through Quivira, in the San Luis Valley of Colorado with George Whitten and Julie Sullivan on the San Juan Ranch.

Webinar Week

Leasing Our Future in a Changing World

A lease, as defined in the dictionary, is a contract by which one party conveys land, property, services, etcetera to a second party for a specified time usually in return for a periodic payment. There is a great deal of room for innovative thinking in that definition, which is why understanding leasing is so important to a young person who may not own land, livestock, or equipment for starting a business. In this workshop, learn how to take the grazing skills you have and combine them with a leasing opportunity. The presenters will share what makes for a win-win grazing relationship and how a lease provides clarity and structure for this. The presenters will also discuss some of the economics behind leasing land and discuss some unconventional leases that are being implemented in a constantly changing agricultural landscape. This workshop is geared towards beginning or aspiring ranchers who are in the first 10 years of their career.